Thursday 25 August 2016

129. Hammersmith

Tuesday 23rd August 6.30pm

Hammersmith has frustrated me - I've been through it twice since I started doing this and both times forgot to take pictures. In my defence I was on my way to gigs - Kate Bush, John Grant - so I had other things on my mind. But that doesn't stop me disliking this station, because you have to leave it through a shopping centre which is just about the most stupid idea ever! Except it turns out you don't have to - when I came out of it this time it was just a very short walk before I found myself in front of a statue of three naked men. As you do. Then on the return journey I was straight through the barriers and onto a train. But that was using different lines, which confuses me further - the District and Piccadilly lines come out through the shopping centre, the Hammersmith & City line is across the road in an older, more civilised building. There's no below ground connection between them - you have to go outside and cross the road, which to my mind makes them two separate stations, just like Edgware Road, but on the map they only count as one. It's mystifying. Which is a shame as there are a lot of reasons to like Hammersmith itself.

Wikipedia entry here and here - see, they think it's two stations as well!

128. Osterley

Tuesday 23rd August 1.25pm

I don't know if the blue bit across the middle of the roundel is wider than usual, or if the number of letters just makes it look like that, but there's something big and bold about that.

The station itself was once modern but now looks run down as you'd expect from something right next door to the A4. There's a tower which probably serves no purposes - there doesn't seem to be a lift - with an odd thing on top of it, but it didn't wow me enough to take a picture of it.

Wikipedia entry here.